How many of you have heard of the “Master Cleanse” from a friend or two. I admit I was in was in this category and although I had dedicated the last 7 years of my life to holistic health, Yoga, vegetarian eating, super human potential, I still hadn’t quite seized the value and importance of Fasting. Though I certainly knew dieting enhances spirituality with the body-mind connection. While the Master Cleanse isn’t truly a Fast, but a carefully chosen liquid diet, there’s a huge body of wisdom which is related to what this experience entails. All I can say is try it and you won’t be disappointed.
To give a bit of backstory to this, after a few stressful years where I was working too hard and managing too many important situations alone, I got a little bit off track with my diet and gained an extra ten pounds or more. You might say, I had forgotten the inspiration and value of nutritional eating to some extent.

Finally, I took off time for myself again (with my new life-buddy, Amber, a Chocolate Labrador), and decided to begin a new phase in my life: minimalistic RV-Traveling-Exercising. This is another story in itself, so I will skip to the conclusion. I made a wonderful soulful friend, named Laurie at the end of 3 months of travel who kept giving me incredibly interesting and insightful dietary books to read. There are lots of sub stories here, but the gist is she introduced me to the Master Cleanse. It resonated with me powerfully. We both did it. Got detoxified and re-centered in just 10 days! I call this a small miracle! Because there’s such a wonderful feeling to be changing your physical make-up in a positive way, shedding an uncomfortable load of weight in the tummy. To remember the feeling of going to bed again at night time with the feeling that you have done something positive for yourself, not to mention the wisdom of cleansing out your organs. This is an important section. But I couldn’t believe that I shed all the excessive weight in just 10 days!
The Master Cleanse isn’t just an amazing quick weight-loss method, however. The wisdom of the Master Cleanse cuts straight to the cause of disease itself, which usually involves a build up of toxic substances in your body which seriously impairs the healthy functioning of your organs or destroys them all together. (On an interesting side note: 4 years ago, I had had a lucid dream of meeting friendly Aliens who gave me some kind of detoxifying drink to “vomit up the toxins from my body”. Mysteriously similar! As was my Pleiadean-like friend Laurie.)
The Master Cleanse Recipe is very simple.
Drink the following from 6 to 12 times a day:
- 10 ounces of (approximately 1.5 cups) of warm/hot water (not boiling to preserve nutrients of syrup and lemon juice)
- 2 tbs of fresh organic lemon juice
- 2 tbs of fresh organic Maple Syrup
- 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper (some people alternative with 1/3 tsp of fresh grated ginger).