Are you on a diet, looking for a tasty, no calorie salad dressing? Look no further. I have the perfect option for you! Zero Calories and fat free. Read on my health-loving friends.
This is so simple and delicious you’ll be amazed. Regular salad dressings are full of fat, oil and other garbage you don’t want in your body. But still you need something tasty to go with your fresh vegetables and salad! Right? This is one of the best options I’ve ever discovered! I use it daily and you’ll be saying “Wow I love Salad by the end of your meal!”
It’s true if you want to lose weight you have to control your eating. But you still need to eat things that are satisfying, delicious and healthy. You can’t starve yourself to death. Just about every salad dressing you see in the supermarket is either Diet or Regular, but both of those are full of dozens of unhealthy ingredients. Why pour oil and fat directly into your stomach? That’s where it goes. When they do a biopsy on people’s stomachs, they can actually see what fats they ate! The so called “diet dressings” also seem to cause more weight gain and hormonal imbalances than the regular dressings. That’s why I switched to this simple recipe.
The Best No Calorie Salad Dressing in the World (my opinion)
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce

1 Tbsp Vinegar
1 Tsp of Korea Coarse Red Pepper Flakes (Sold at Asian or Korean Supermarkets)
Roasted seeds optional (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower).
Every time I eat this, I’m shocked at how delicious it is! And how simple! Why had I never heard of it before? I strongly recommend the seeds in this dressing. They seem to take it to a much higher level of enjoyment. Of course you can make dressings with blended raw cashes too. That’s a healthy option but watch those calories.
For my other health secrets try this list right here: