Avocado Lime Pudding

Avocado Lime Pudding

Well, once again, if you thought that all wonderfully delicious things in our world have to be toxic and addictive, there’s fantastic news! I made another incredible discovery this Winter. As I sat there marveling over the creamy texture of the avocado, it occurred to me that they would probably make the ultimate healthy pudding. They’re so incredibly healthy and creamy and within seconds I found recipes all over the internet for this healthy Lime and Chocolate Avocado Puddings. I must say I am truly stunned by how delicious, nutritious, and simple these puddings turned out to be. I enthusiastically insist that everybody give this try! It doesn’t make sense that “treat cravings” should be a big Minus in a person’s daily diet when wonderful solutions like this exist.

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One Healthy Snack At A Time

How do we achieve good health?

Answer: Easy! With one healthy snack or food at a time.

“People are out of touch with good, healthy snacking ideas in our culture!” I say!

Our senses have been hijacked by chemically engineered food additives and evil “flavor enhancers”.  And then slick marketing campaigns on TV, Smartphones, Videogames, Sporting Events and even parked right in front of our public schools you’ll see big, giant Cola Trucks imprinting and branding their logos into the minds of our innocent and naive kids! Continue reading “One Healthy Snack At A Time”