Hi there. I provide an array of inspiring, enthusiastic, joyful services to people everywhere I go. It’s my life’s journey. I really love to nurture people’s inner abilities and talents. The greatest potential of humanity has been systematically suppressed and denied and it needs to be uncovered and restored! More specifically:
- I specialize in the healing arts from counselling to music therapy. (Deep soul awareness and sorting out our society’s misguided values to facilitate soulful re-centering).
- Holistic health: nutrition, fitness, yoga, meditation arts.
- Creative Arts: song-writing, music recording, filming, animation, guitar, bass, singing, violin lessons.
- Graphic Arts: photography, graphic arts, website creation.
My mobile musical art-therapy studio is currently on the road visiting provincial campsites.
For more information, feel free to contact me anytime: james@bondaygee.com