A Simple healing, love story that puts things into perspective, a soul story all based up on the human eye!
At the moment of creation, I also realized that this message is also aimed at the whole of humanity, especially those suffering the most. This story is very similar to what Eckart Tolle says in the “Power of Now” about transcending the Egoic mind and transitioning to a reference point and reverence of the Eternal Now. In Yoga Wisdom, this is called “Soul Vision”, “Zen” No-Mindness of Buddhism, or the “Christ-Consciousness” of Christianity. And in short there’s no greater vision and realization than this. Everything else is miniscule and trivial compared to it.
The importance of this transition is you are no longer caught-up, and entangled by the egoic mind, its limitations and limited scope, but have realized a Oneness with the Universal Inner Divinity. This is a real evolution-of-consciousness-process, which exists throughout the Universe and not just on planet Earth. By shedding the egoic mind, you become enraptured in the awesome gift and potential of the inner light which unites everyone and everything in the universe. But if you don’t have this as a regular point of reference, then it is very easy for the mind to be swayed, which is why I’d recommend something like meditation 3 times a day and incorporating this subject (soul awareness) into your daily purpose as it is an inspirational way to live. The Pure Life, the real thing, inner and outer truth in harmony especially as it unites and raises your vibration, is the breath of the divine holding up humanity and lifting the veil from everyone’s eyes to complete this age old cycle and finally liberate planet from this 3 dimensional egoic mind struggle. Read on to hear this allegorical depiction of the human situation with these interesting parallels in the human eye!
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