Greetings and Welcome!
You really are on the right path! 
(안녕! 그냥 영어공부 하고싶은 사람 여기 크리그 하세요!)
Thanks for dropping by. I’m curious how you found this site. Your story and your journey. Don’t be shy. Why not leave a message at the contact page? Thanks for coming anyways. Now let me tell you the story of
Note: If you just want to study ESL, click here or “The Bondaygee System” from the menu.
The Story
Originally, nearly ten years ago while I was in Korea, I met a Buddhist monk named Park Ji-young. We discovered together that we had an instant connection. We were both artistic, creative and spiritual types of people.

We had a lot of interesting things to share with one another, but Ji-young was most surprised when I showed her my Ocean of Love of story. It was pretty special to me too. Suddenly Ji-young felt inspired to make a website to share the story and my many other creative, ESL songs and videos. She really surprised me with her simple, beautiful graphics. You can see her work in the website title above. She identified herself with the moon and me with the sun. Thank you Ji-young wherever you are!
Unfortunately for me, she went to live in a temple and I moved back to Canada. I didn’t know anything about websites, so I had lost my homepage for a few years.
Sometime later, back in Canada, I began studying website creation and was inspired to make a new website. For a couple of years, I thought the website should only focus on ESL Studying, unlike the original, which featured my stories. Over time I realized without my stories, was lacking soul, it’s original vision and inspiration. You see the Ocean Story is all about vision and how we perceive the world while “bondaygee” according to it’s Korean meaning symbolizes creativity, transformation and rebirth. “Bondaygee” – 번데기 means cocoon.
Interestingly, since redefining and restoring back to it’s original scope and meaning, I seem to have millions of stories to write and I can’t stop, nor do I want to. I feel in love again! I’m very open and honest. I also became really healthy this last year through yoga and nutrition. I’m sharing those stories too. Don’t forget “Bondaygee is in your heart!” 
That was another poster Ji-young made for me from the comical “bondaygee song” music video and movie.
This is my Youtube Channel here to if you’re interested. Mind you, I accidentally deleted all my videos 3 years ago and had to re-upload everything.
Lastly, this story wouldn’t be complete unless I mentioned the contributions of a Hungarian Artist named Gergley Kovaks. He made the beautiful icons and this cool poster picture below.
Note, just because I love Pop Music, Beatles, etc, doesn’t mean I’m not an astute, philosophical person, because I am. My art friends just happened to think my Bondaygee Music Videos were funny!

Here’s another piece of Park Ji-young’s artwork. It’s just her “doodling”: